When the collection of soft plastics through supermarkets and Redcycle collapsed, Randwick City Council launched their own soft plastics collection through the Randwick Recycling Centre. Residents can have their soft palstics collected or take them to the Recycling Centre where they are collected by a plastics recycling service provider Plasmar ( These items are then recycled and remanufactured into sustainable, 100% recycled products such as retaining wall sleepers, fence posts, bollards, garden beds, garden edging, wheel stops, picnic benches, etc. The new items are used in Council, schools, hospitals, businesses, farms and landscaping.. This process creates a circular economy loop.
To promote this service I was tasked to design assets that had an exciting, celebratory feel to really embrace the great news that residents can still have their soft plastics recycled and not end up in landfill. In the first month of the program, 1.9 tonnes of soft plastics were collected at the Randwick Recycling Centre and the service has only continued to grow stronger.

Social media - Instagram Stories

Digital display screen

A2 Poster design